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Learn about NGX
Watch the video to get a quick introduction to NGX from CEO Jeremy Poland at one of our recent partnership collaborations.
Our vision is to create a fitter, healthier and happier world

We created NGX because people are genetically unique and have unique nutrition requirements. Genetic mutations can reduce a person's ability to process and absorb nutrients, resulting in a need to consume more than the amounts recommended by daily food guidelines to meet the body's daily needs.
Jeremy Poland - Co-Founder & CEO
Watch to discover Jeremy's role and why he teamed up with Alex and Hugo to launch NGX.
Alex Blyth - Inventor, Co-Founder & Chairman
Click the video to meet Alex, seriel inventor, entrepreneur, biologist and economist. Alex has over 25 years' experience running businesses and has two successful exits to his name.
Olga Hamilton - VP of Nutrigenetic Science
Hit play to meet Olga, TedX speaker, registered nutritionist and nutrigenetics expert. Olga is all things nutrition and ensures NGX products are made to the highest possible quality and standards.